Saturday, December 20, 2014

Town Council Meeting Report

Town Council met last Thursday, December 18th.

The Charleston County Community Services held a public hearing on the 2105 Allocation for the Urban Entitlement Fund.   Joanna Murray, the Director, gave a short presentation.   Town Administrator, Ashley Kellahan, has been appointed to serve on the Charleston County Community Services board.

Council approved an amendment to the Municipal State Highway Project Agreement for the Harbor View Road Improvement Project for the addition of a center turn lane at Mikell Drive.   This lane will provide storage for traffic turning left on Mikell Dr..   This should help with congestion in the morning due to Stiles Point Elementary school on Mikell Dr.

Council approved a resolution naming the proposed park at 461 Fort Johnson Road "Pinckney Park."

Council approved replacing the existing sign at Town Hall.  The estimated cost for the new sign is $5,100.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

More Park Progress

Charleston County Council approved the Town's application for Greenbelt funds to purchase the Pinkney property at 461 Fort Johnson Road for a new Town park.  The Town plans to schedule the closing for early January.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Harborview Road Stakeholders Meeting

I went to the meeting last night to get information about construction on Harborview Road.

The biggest news is that the road will be repaved over the next few weeks.

This will be done at night.

They will be removing a good bit of pavement and replacing it.

The bike lanes will be going away for the next couple of years.

The travel lanes will be slightly narrower during the construction process too.

P.S.  If you haven't noticed, the speed limit is now 35 mph and will remain lower during the construction process.