Monday, July 12, 2021

Chase is Coming to Camp and Folly

 The derelict Subway is gone.  Chase Bank is building a branch at the corner of Camp and Folly.   At some future time, the owners of the lot where Pizza Hut stood will put in a business, but that has yet to be determined.   For now, that area will be grassed and vacant. The parking for the bank will be to the rear, at the current location of Corky's.  Corky's is moving further south on Folly Road near Signal Point Road.  

The Town will retain the easement it purchased from Corky's for public improvements at the corner.   The planned bus shelter site, however, has been moved further up Folly, near the existing stop in front of where Pizza Hut stood. The after hours parking that Corky's had agreed to provide will now be provided by Chase bank.  

The Chase bank construction complies with the Town's new storm water regulations passed in May of 2020 as well as the Folly Road overlay.   There is no increase in overall elevation of the property and the grading at the property boundaries will be gently sloped to protect the neighbors.   Some of the parking will be pervious, as required by the Folly Road Overlay.   There will be trees and other landscaping in and around the building and parking lot.

The two buildings that have been demolished--Subway and Pizza Hut--and Corky's which is slated for demolition later, were all constructed  before there was any storm water regulation.   The area was nearly all impervious--buildings and asphalt with no retention ponds. There was very little green area or trees.   The redevelopment and landscaping of this property will substantially improve both the appearance and the control of storm water in this area.  Storm water will be collected in underground catch basins and  treated for water quality with a Stormceptor water quality device.  There will be an overall 15% reduction in storm water runoff.  Further, any new business at the old Pizza Hut location can add no additional storm water runoff.

The plans for the site, as well as the storm water pollution protection plan are available for inspection at Town Hall.  

After Chase Bank completes its project, the Town will develop a plan for landscaping and improvements for the easement area.  Council has approved the installation of flags in its easement.  Precise design is waiting until the Chase construction and landscaping is complete.

Abandoned Subway Building

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