At our last meeting, Town Council approved on first reading an ordinance adding "inflatable signs" to the list of prohibited signs in our Zoning Ordinance. The vote was three to two. I voted against. Second and final reading is tonight. I will again oppose this unnecessary change in our zoning ordinance.
At the last meeting, it was claimed that this provision was needed to prohibit what are called "floater" signs. These fill with air and then partially deflate and fill again. Sometimes the sign is designed so it appear to be a sort of "dancing man."
However, such signs are already prohibited by the Town. Only certain types of signs are permitted by the Town and these "floaters" are not included. The Town has required businesses to remove these floaters in the past. This ordinance is not necessary to prohibit such signs.
Last year, a temporary Christmas tree lot had a giant Santa. The Santa was holding a sign. The Town's Planning Director ordered Santa removed. The merchant removed the sign, but the Planning Director insisted that giant Santa go too. Giant Santa was replaced by a smaller Santa.
When I first heard about it, I determined that I would not overrule the Planning Director this time, but that in the future, I did not favor a ban on inflatable Christmas decorations. The Planning Director asked the Planning Commission to consider adding inflatable signs to the list of prohibited signs. The Planning Commission voted in favor as did the majority of Council at our last meeting.
I still do not favor a ban on inflatable Christmas decorations. But I also don't consider them to be "signs." I believe this amendment to our ordinance is pointless and unnecessary.